Sunday, July 31, 2011

Go Retro- Tie Dye Hair :)

all photos: Kristin Ess +

My Sister was in town last weekend and asked me "Hey have you seen Lauren Conrad's new hair?' So I googled Lauren Conrad and saw these beautiful colored cascading curl. I looked up a tutorial on Lauren’s temporary bright colors and found one on the Beauty Department which has a step by step guide. Here is the process for you in 7 steps on an extension. While the stylist said she would never recommend bleaching out the ends of your hair at home, if you want to do the fun colors yourself, maybe get the tips bleached out by a pro + then play with the temporary colors on your own. The best things about this color– you’re able to hide it in a bun for work if you need to, AND you’re only doing a couple of inches on the bottom so it won’t kill you to cut it off if you get over it quickly.

TOOLS: highlighting comb, clips, foils, color brush, hair bleach with the appropriate volume (always seek a professional when using bleach), light pink color, dark pink color, light blue, dark blue, clear gloss.

Step 1 Highlight the tips of the hair using hair bleach with the correct volume. I lightened the bottom 3 inches of  hair, taking it as light as possible without causing any damage. As you can see above, I like to “feather” on the bleach. Painting a jagged line makes it blend better.

Step 2 Fold up your foil and let it process until it reaches a pale blonde. Use the appropriate heat if necessary.

Step 3 Shampoo and lightly condition bleach out of the hair.

Step 4 Blow hair completely dry. If it’s still wet, it will soak up less color.

Step 5 Place the hair on a foil. Imagine the bleached out part being split into 3. You’re going to leave the top 1/3 blonde.

Step 6 Next, paint the light blue (or whatever color you choose) on the entire bottom 2/3.

Step 7 Paint the very tips (or bottom 1/3) using the darker version of that color. It should look almost feather like. Be sure to blend. Last, rinse out the color. I highly suggest washing them out one piece at a time and towel drying well so the colors don’t bleed into each other. If they do, you may see a “marbleizing” effect. I love when the colors all swirl together like that, but if you’re looking to keep them more defined, keep them away from each other when they’re wet. I like to finish up by sealing it with a clear gloss. That’s a professional use only product so if you don’t have access to it, you don’t have to do that. Blow dry and…Tah Daaah!!

This is such a fun summer trend and I hope everyone finds their own fun way of doing it. This is the time to get creative. Once it fades from the sun, pool, beach, or general wear, it becomes a pastel version which I think  is equally gorgeous! Color care shampoo can help keep your bright color from fading. Condition well and again, don’t let the wet strands sit next too each other too long if you don’t want the colors blending.

Let me know if anyone tries it.... I'm thinking about going to Sallys and getting some blond extensions and trying it out on them :)

Wanna Do Bad Things With You....

All I can say is TGIS....Thank God Its Sunday! Which means True Blood New Episode tonight at 9pm on HBO. For those of you who haven't yet tasted True Blood, I recommend sinking your fangs into it ASAP. You can watch old episodes from Seasons 1,2, and 3 on Netflix. If you haven't yet tuned in don't read any further... as for the rest of us Fangbangers what are your opinions so far on Season 4? 

I'm so excited for tonight's episode! I really feel like episode 6 is where it's all going to start moving very quickly.
What are you all hoping to get to see in tonight's episode? I wanna see:

Eric and Sookie finally losing their inhibitions 
Bills reaction when he walks in on them
Some insight to the whole evil doll/ Baby Mikey thing
Jason finally facing the full moon and turning into a Panther!
Pam hopefully fixing her situation with her face
Lafayette tapping into his powers 

Also for those who want more, I found this website that gives me plenty of Spoilers of whats to come to satisfy my addiction until the next episode: Wet Paint ... ENJOY :)

All the Single Ladies .....

Hello everyone! I wanted to start a blog to express my opinions and have a place to share with others recipes, new TV shows, and other neat finds I come across. 

There has been a growing epidemic every since Sex and The City started several years back saying its OK to be single and independent. From the rising cost of living to the lack of jobs, it has forced women to become more independent and influential, like talk Show hosts like Tyra or Oprah Winfrey and the View have also changed things for the better. Like Beyonce's new song says "Who Run The World? GIRLS!!! "

Regardless of whether you’re single or happily hooked up, women are taking the bull by the balls (or is it horns?) and not waiting for a man to determine the outcomes of their happiness. Nothing against you men of course! Are we so entrenched in tradition that automatically assumes a young woman must marry by a certain age, pop out a few munchkins, and follow in the foot steps of our parents and grandparents? Tough question and I know the answer depends on the individual. Before deciding, keep in mind the success or failures of our families relationships and that should give you more than a clue of what the hell to do. Just because you’re single doesn’t have to signify a transition period between finding your next partner. It’s okay to just BE SINGLE.

To be honest its the best time to do all the stylish things you’ve been putting off doing! Try rebuilding yourself to a new level. Or get on that project your last relationships for one reason or another prevented you from doing.

Again, take Sex and The City for example. It celebrates liberated women who showcase the highs and lows of single life.With the exception of terminally horny Samantha, the rest of the single gals were always on the look out for ‘the one’ and seemed to feel lost in the big city.. Stylistically speaking, I tend to lean more towards Carrie or even Charlotte. 

Women today are much more accepted living a lifestyle that until recently was only acceptable for men. In the not-so-recent past, it was quite acceptable for men to be free and single, but a single woman past the age of 30 was considered “expired” or an "Old Maid" by many outdated thinkers.This isn't the only place you'll hear it,  Many online journals for women’s tell us that single girls are well traveled, more experienced and that equals being happy and satisfied by the time we decide to settle down. That sure beats being forced by society to marry and have children by age 25. No wonder the divorce rate far exceeds successful marriages. Hello?